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When Do You Need to Fire a Bad Employee?

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A bad employee grows like cancer within a company, infiltrating every cell and creating a negative work environment. Many employers have a hard time knowing when to fire a bad employee, but the problem with keeping them employed is that they will soon turn your entire workforce against you. This hostility can lead to a decrease in profits. The bottom line is that bad employees hurt your company more than you know.

So, what constitutes a bad employee and how do you know when you need to fire a bad employee and part ways?

  •  Poor Attitude – If a subordinate employee has a poor attitude and likes to think they’re in charge, it’s time for a reboot. Do not let this behavior continue and if it does, fire them. Trust us; you’ll be much better off in the long run.
  • Blames Others – If an employee is constantly blaming others for their actions and cannot take any responsibility for their mistakes, all signs point towards firing.
  • Misses Deadlines – If an employee is regularly missing agreed-upon deadlines or simply isn’t producing work, the chances are they’re dead weight.
  • Poor Quality – If their work is not to par and you are constantly correcting mistakes, it’s time to be concerned.
  • Frequently Gone – If your employee regularly takes time off, shows up late, takes long breaks or leaves early – neglecting to make up this lost time – it’s time to start looking for a replacement.
  • Wrong Priorities – If an employee cannot multi-task and spends time on unimportant tasks, this is a sign that the job may be over their head.
  • Poor Attendance – Team members should regularly make meetings and go the extra mile to ensure that other co-workers help meet their deadlines. If this isn’t happening, signs point towards an individual that doesn’t want the team to succeed.
  • Mistreats Others – If you have a bully at work, this behavior needs immediate correction. If not, your company could be facing a hostile work environment or harassment claims.
  • Improper Language – Using language that is demeaning, insulting or foul is just bad work behavior. Improper language can also open you up to sexual harassment claims.
  • Threatens Employees – This goes back to bullying – just get rid of the employee and the remaining staff will be happier and more productive.

A good manager needs to establish measurable and clear boundaries with employees. Managers need to state their expectations for the employee and the job. This way, if a problem arises, managers can help employees identify unacceptable behavior, hopefully working towards a solution.

Managers need to understand that being an employee’s best friend is not advisable, especially when you may have to fire a bad employee. This will put you in a bad position, should you need to discuss any of the above issues with an employee. It is best to maintain a friendly, yet distinct line. This will make your position as a manager much easier.

Read these tips on how to fire a bad employee and come away with a clear conscience.

Ninja Gig offers online job applications, which makes it easy for employers to advertise and hire qualified employees. One of the best features is that you can customize the application to ask “find-out” questions to help determine if the potential employee’s personality fits your environment and management style. Start today with a free 14-day trial of our online employment application software.