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Top Recruiting Trends Driving The COVID-19 Pandemic Job Market

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The art of recruiting is taking a turn, focusing on treating candidates more like customers. Companies want to groom and entice applicants because studies show that our current job market is candidate-driven. Skyrocketing unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging for employers to rehire and fill vacant job openings. This new trend indicates that companies are not in charge of picking top talent, but good employees will choose the company where they want to work. This year and into 2022, we will see several new recruiting trends. To draw candidates to your organization, consider the following recruiting techniques.

Top Recruiting Trends

Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment marketing helps companies nurture and attract employees by using recruiting tactics and methods. This includes companies following the latest market recruiting trends and being proactive to find solutions to overcome new employment challenges.

Inbound Recruiting

Inbound recruiting involves a company taking a proactive and continual approach to help attract new candidates into choosing them as their next employer. The primary goal when utilizing inbound recruiting trends is to attract, convert and engage candidates. Many companies use social media to help accomplish these goals, which are excellent long-term strategies.

Employer Branding

Building an employer brand is an essential component in attracting top-tier talent to an organization. Employer branding refers to several different aspects, including its reputation, overall popularity as an employer and value. Research shows that nearly 75 percent of applicants research a company’s reputation before applying for a position. Companies that have poor reputations can often struggle to attract and retain quality candidates.

Social Recruiting

Social media channels are a popular way to boost job recruitment. This can include Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, job boards, forums and websites. Staying up-to-date and advertising upcoming or open positions, and using a job management board such as Ninja Gig, are excellent recruiting trends and long-term strategies. In fact, Ninja Gig’s affordable, all-inclusive, flat-rate monthly fee makes it easy for employers to advertise jobs online indefinitely if needed.

Employee Referrals

One of the best ways to find top talent is to have a company program that supports employee referrals. Employees that are referred to a company take the least amount of time to hire and usually will accept less money, especially if friends boast about a healthy work environment.

Read more about how recruiting can be a challenge.

Need help managing online job applications to help boost your recruiting and employment process? If so, Ninja Gig’s unique job platform allows you to customize UNLIMITED online employment applications. Sign up now for your free trial and start getting your online job applications in front of potential candidates this year.